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Rev. Gary Wietecha

The Transformative Habit of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

In a world that often emphasizes what we lack rather than what we possess, keeping a gratitude journal can dramatically shift our perspective towards abundance and positivity. This simple practice not only enhances mental health but can also lead to greater happiness and a deeper appreciation for the mundane moments that make up our lives. Here’s how to get started, find inspiration, and incorporate gratitude journaling into your daily routine.

How to Get Started with a Gratitude Journal

1. Choose Your Journal: Select a journal that resonates with you. It could be a simple notebook or a beautifully bound diary. The key is that it should invite you to write in it.

2. Set a Routine: Decide when you will write in your gratitude journal. Many find that doing this first thing in the morning or right before bed creates a positive start or end to the day. Consistency is crucial, so choose a time that integrates seamlessly into your daily schedule.

3. Keep It Simple: Start by writing down three things you are grateful for each day. These can be as significant as a job promotion or as simple as a delicious cup of coffee you had in the morning. The scale of gratitude isn’t what’s important—it’s the act of recognizing it that counts.

Finding Inspiration

If you're struggling to think of things to be grateful for, here are a few prompts to get you started:

  • Who made you smile today?

  • What is something you're looking forward to?

  • What is a comfort you enjoyed today? (e.g., a warm bed, a delicious meal)

  • What is something you’re proud of achieving recently?

  • What did you enjoy in your surroundings today? (It could be noticing the beauty of the sky, a flower, or an act of kindness.)

Overcoming Gratitude Blocks

It's normal to have days when it feels like there's nothing to be grateful for, especially during times of stress or sadness. Here are some tips to help you overcome this:

  • Broaden Your Perspective: Try to step back and view your day from a broader perspective. Even on bad days, there might be a moment or aspect that was positive.

  • Use Prompts: Use gratitude prompts to ignite your thoughts.

  • Reflect on the Basics: Sometimes, focusing on the very basics can help—be grateful for your breath, for having food, shelter, or safety.

Integrating Gratitude Journaling into Your Daily Practice

1. Make It a Ritual: Incorporate your gratitude journaling into another daily habit. For instance, if you drink tea every morning, use that time to jot down your thoughts.

2. Use Reminders: Set a daily reminder on your phone or computer to take a few minutes to reflect and write.

3. Reflect Periodically: At the end of each week or month, take some time to read over what you've written. This not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also deepens the feeling of gratitude.

4. Share Your Gratitude: Occasionally, share entries from your journal with friends or family. This not only strengthens your relationships but can also encourage others to focus on gratitude in their lives.


Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset and recognize the abundance in your life. Over time, this practice can transform your mental and emotional well-being, creating a more joyful and appreciative outlook on life. As you continue with this practice, you might find that your entries become deeper and more reflective, highlighting the profound impact gratitude can have on your life. Remember, every entry is a step towards a fuller, more grateful heart.

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